Friday, July 3, 2009

After the first chemo

We brought mummy to hospital for the chemotherapy early in the Monday morning. All the way to the hospital, we were all quiet... myself having some kinda weird feelings, worrying the side effect that will happen to ma... I believed Pa and Ma were worrying about that too.

We went in to the day care ward at 8am sharp. Nurses started to do all the blood test and injections. Later then, ma needed to be dripped with 2 tubes of sodium monochloride, only then follows by the chemo medicine. The whole process took about whole day, Pa and I waited at the hospital, accompanying mummy.

Mummy came out from the ward at around 5pm, she was able to walk as normal, i suprised. The side effect was not hitting that much... she has no vomits, but she feels the drowsiness. Back home, she has the appetite during dinner time, even she took supper with a cup of hot milo with biscuits.

A day after that, the side effect started... Mummy started to feel vomiting during meals, she feels deep tired and lost of strengths. I see her always on bed and sleeping. Her volume of meals taken in reduces. Her appetite is bad...

Today, the 4th day after chemo. I see her improving. She feels like eating this morning. I called her just now, Aunty is bringing her out to have some noodles... :-)

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