Tuesday, June 6, 2017

My frozen embryos

Last Saturday was the Day 3 after my eggs collection day. We were supposed to be informed or to get a call from the Embryologist from KL Fertility at about 2-4pm on how many embryos that are successful to be fertilized and frozen. 

The entire morning I was worried and I was so afraid to hear my phone rings. Hubby sensed something wrong with me and kept on asking was I alright. I just pretended that I am okay and kept quiet. I knew he saw me moody but I couldn't help that I was really afraid that none of the eggs were being fertilized. 

After our brunch, sitting at the dining table, hubby asked if we wanted to give a call to KLF. It was only about 12+pm. I told him that they will be calling around 2-4pm to inform. But then, in another way, I pushed my phone over to hubby and asked him to call. He knew I was afraid to make that call. In fact, I can sensed that he was anxious about it too. 

So, he called. The call was transferred to the Embryologist Dept and one of the embryologist answered the call. My name and IC number was given and she came back to us with the result. 

Total collected: 7 eggs
Total matured: 3 eggs
Total fertilized: 3
Total frozen: 2 embryos in Day 3

Total only 2 embryos are frozen. It made me relieved and also a lil' depressed. I am relieved that at least there are some lil embies to be able to transfer this cycle. 2 lil embies are suffice this cycle. I am a lil depressed as, IF the transfer is unsuccessful this round, I have no more frozen embies to get ready. I need to go through the whole process again starting from a Day 2 new cycle and most of all, another sum of money has to be spent again. 

I cried a little. Hubby cuddled me and asked me to think positively. He mentioned that 2 embies are better than none. At least we have 2 embies for this round. Who knows, we will successfully get pregnant. He said, we consider very lucky as only 7 eggs were retrieved and 2 has been frozen now. Some had retrieved 10+ eggs but yet also only 2 were frozen. He told me not to be greedy. We will just hope that these 2 embies will grow in my tummy and be a mummy soon. 

Pray, pray & pray...
I hope things will just goes on smoothly. Let's think positively!

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