I am all ready for the eggs collection this morning. I had started to fast since last night from 12am. There was no food and not even a sip of plain water. My procedure is scheduled to be start at 9:30am. Both hubby and I were way much earlier than that arrived at DC Mall. I knew hubby did not had a good sleep last night, he went up and down to the living hall whole night.
We registered at the reception before 8:30am and were directed straight to the Recovery Area. I was asked to change with the robe, a locker to keep my clothes and settled myself on my Recovery Bed 3. I am the 3rd patients in that morning for the eggs collection. Hubby accompanied me until the nurse told him to get ready for his sperm collection. I was asked to sign a consent form, to check on my blood pressure, heart beat and allergies.
Hubby came back to the Recovery Room about half an hour later and he joined me back when the anesthesiologist came to put the line for my on my right hand. The red band on my left hand indicated my allergic to Ponstan.
Dr. Helena dropped by to check and confirm on my last injection. I responded that it was on the 29 May, 9:30pm. I was asked to empty my bladder before the procedure about 15 minutes before that. About 9:25am, nurses came and Dr. Helena was waiting in the OPU. I was being pushed in and I saw Dr. Prashant was around too. They confirmed my name and IC number, asked me to confirm the procedure that I am going to do and started to prepare me for the eggs collection procedure.
Both my hands were put on my chest, the anesthesiologist had injected few solutions through the line she put in just now. A nurse get the the oxygen mask and asked to breath as usual. I knew from that time, I started to feel dizzy and just black out.
I heard a voice of a nurse calling my name asked me to wake up. And she told me the procedure was done. The nurse telling me not to worry and will be pushing me back to my Recovery Bed. Then I heard a voice; hubby told me not to worry, asked me to sleep and everything will be okay. I felt a little discomfort, but couldn't describe what was it. I knew I was tearing non stop. Hubby wiped my tear and nurses thought that I was wanted to vomit.
Few of them came and checked on me if I was okay, blood pressure was check every 10 minutes. I do not know why, was it too emotional or was it painful, I just couldn't stop my tears.
I opened my eyes, lights still seems dancing, couldn't catch hubby at the right position, I closed my eyes again. I am conscious but the anesthetic still made me blur. I asked hubby the time, he told me I was being pushed out at 10am but I glimpsed on his watch was 10:30am. He told me I was still sleeping when I was being pushed put, but I told him I was awake. I was not sure about the missing half an hour; and I have been asking and asking for few times.
At about 11am, the nurse came and checked if I am okay. She asked if she can make me a cup of Milo by then. Hubby got me a cup of warm water and the nurse made me a cup of hot Milo with some biscuits. When I seems calmed down and stable, she asked me to change and will inform Dr. Helena to drop by. Dr. Helena informed that 7 eggs were collected and we will get informed about the fertilized eggs by Saturday (Day 3) or Tuesday (Day 6). Embryologist will inform us on how many successful embryos had survived. She asked me to come back for my next appointment to check on my polyps after my next cycle of period. An embryologist came as well, explained on the procedures they do and the charges of frozen embryos.
Then we were ready to go home. I was given 2 tables of Celebrax of 400mg as pain killer. The nurse informed that I may feel the pain by evening and if I couldn't stand the pain take the Celebrax when necessary. Celebrax 400mg is high in dosage as I am allergic to Ponstan which is only 250mg. I was asked not to drive and straight head home to take enough rest. Dizziness still there especially in the car on the way home. I took a warm shower after lunch and head to bed for a nap. I felt bloated at my abdomen area and my breast were sore.
Woke up at about 7pm and we were ready for dinner. That time, the pain kicked in badly. I felt I couldn't stand up straight, I don't know where was the pain, I felt my whole body was so tight that I felt totally uncomfortable. There was no right positions that I can feel comfortable. My back was pain, my stomach was pain, I feel pain even my ribs. I curled myself on the bed; I knew hubby was worried looking at my condition. He asked if I wanted to take the painkiller or he made me a warmer bag. I don't know where exactly the pain came from, I just want to have a right position to make me feel more comfortable. I dozed off when I got the right position and I survived without the painkiller.
I got up at about 7am this morning, feels better; at least I could stands up straight.